Changing Minds, Changing Lives

For Taimahi Trust, impact is viewed holistically. It is not just about moving people into meaningful work (paid and/or voluntary), but about growing belonging, developing people and improving health and wellbeing. It is also about the distance travelled for each person.

Our Changing Lives and Minds report outlines our approach, impact and ten year development strategy.

“Our commitment to breaking away from ineffectual norms positions us as leaders in reshaping the landscape of disability support and empowerment”
– Rachel Hill and Alison Faithful, Co-Founders & Trustees

Stories From The Trust


Rihanna came from school to do work experience at Taimahi Trust. The school said she was non-verbal, won’t do anything on her own and that it was difficult for her to learn. Her body language was very closed and she had a teacher aide who did everything for her. Within a month, with scaffolded support by Taimahi for the teacher aide to step back, Rihanna began her training and has developed her voice and her capability.

She now works three days a week at Taimahi, doing everything required in the kitchen, including making pies and hot cross buns without oversight, and has reorganised the family kitchen at home. All this occurred within six months. Rihanna now goes to a CrossFit gym, walking from the Taimahi shop to town with others to do her CrossFit. Most recently she has begun to catch the bus home on her own after work.


Troy lives with cerebral palsy. After starting with Taimahi Trust volunteering 20 hours per week, Troy is now in paid employment 35 hours a week as the Trust’s Operations Administrator. Despite physical challenges, he manages inventory, administers the purchase approval process, matches purchases to payments and prepares invoices, does day to day procurement, liaises with suppliers, administers social media, contributes to operational meetings and prepares operations reports. He is now learning supervision and training one of the young adults with disabilities in operations administration.

Troy qualified in financial administration with credentials in Psychology from Waikato University. With the encouragement and support of Taimahi Trust he fundraised to realise his dream to travel to South America and Hong Kong. He is an active boccia player and has represented New Zealand in this inclusive sport on the international stage. Since being employed at Taimahi Trust Troy has been able to come off the benefit and live in supported independent living. Troy was a finalist in the Whangarei Business Awards.